Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Got Talked Into Doing This...

I'm 24. Yes - as of today, I am 24 years old. 

Wait...I think I skipped a part...(see that?! I already screwed up and it's like line two! ohhh geeezzzz!)

My name is Christine Monir Shalaby, and I'm 24. Everyone calls me Shalaby (and I mean EVERYONE), but you can call me whatever you want. Whatever makes your little heart happy. I respond to almost anything, as long as it sounds like someone is making some sort of noise in my general direction. But for the most part, it's Shalaby. 

I'm Egyptian. I'm Southern. I'm Coptic Orthodox. And I'm pretty sure if you don't know me at all, and have somehow found your way to this blog, that you are thoroughly confused, and that you are probably googling the words "Coptic Orthodox" to see what the heck that is. Let's face it, all you're trying to find out is whether or not I believe in Jesus. 

Because that's always the first question. 

Person: What religion are you?
Me: Coptic Orthodox
Person: you believe in Jesus?
Me: Yes...I am a Christian
Person: [beginning to look rather uncomfortable in a 'really gotta go to the bathroom' sort of way] Sooo believe in God?
Me: [getting rather annoyed and now looking at said person with my nose scrunched up and my eyes all squinted] ummm yes...I just told you I'm a Christian...God, Jesus, Mary...all of em, I believe in all of em...

You would think these rather uncomfortable conversations would end at the point when we've all confirmed that yes I believe in Jesus...and anyone else you've read about in the Bible...however, stupidity is a disease that doesn't seem to really have a cure, because as soon as the holidays roll around, I always find myself in the midst of the same annoying conversation...

Person: Hey...what are you doing?
Me: Getting ready to eat Thanksgiving dinner, what are you doin? Happy Thanksgiving by the way...
Person: Dude...I didn't want to text you Happy Thanksgiving because I wasn't sure whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving...
Me: .........[staring at the phone with my nose all scrunched up and my eyes all squinted]..........
Person: but I mean Happy Thanksgiving
Me: You do know that Thanksgiving has nothing to do with anyone's religious affiliation? 
Person: uhhh
Me: And didn't we have this conversation already???? I'm a CHRISTIAN...ya know? PRAISE JESUS HALLELUJIA THANK YOU FATHER GOD OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE...allll that, I'm allllll that 

Seriously! What the hell??? Deep breaths everybody...deep breaths.....

I feel like the word Christian should cover the situation, but apparently it doesn't. 

Anyways....back to what we were talking about. I guess I just gave all the needed, age, ethnicity, region of residence, religious background....I feel like I should breakdown the rest of me for all you eager readers, but unfortunately, this blog would never be enough room to encompass all of me. 

BUT...if i was forced to choose one word to describe'd be...BIG

no...the word I choose wouldn't be big, as in number of letters that make up the actual word,...the word itself wold be "BIG". I can just see all your little faces now, all confused, as to why I would choose the word "BIG"....because normally, I know when I hear the word "BIG", let's be real...not so pretty pictures come to mind. You automatically kinda get that look on your face like ehhhhh...especially when you hear the word "BIG" and girl in the same sentence. 

It's like math...

Big + Female = not the greatest ever  

But it works for me...for other reasons...

Big personality
Big hair
Big voice
Big eyes
Big heart
Big dreams
Big smile
Big opinions
Big texting addiction
Big career
Big facebook friends list
Big bed in my room
Big closets full of clothes
Big shoe addiction
Big traveler
Big food lover
Big aspirations
Big curious mind
Big amounts of bad luck in this world
Big Apple fan 
Big music addict 

I mean the list could go on and on...and the word "BIG" fits perfectly in front of every single thing. So why not just boil the whole thing down to just "BIG"?

And this is gonna be my really big blog to go with my really big life. 

And you, whoever you are, if you choose to be, will be along for the ride. So buckle in y'all, because this life is anything but ordinary. 

Peace and Blessings (click me!)


  1. This blog totally describes you! I think this is awesome... cant wait to read more blogs!

  2. love it!!! i second marina, i can't wait for more blogs!!
